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How to pass an intent variable to retrofit using Android Pagination Library

I am implementing android pagination library in my app and would like to pass "id" of an item from my activity to the data source where my network call is made


//I want to pass this string to the network call.
String image_id = getIntent().getStringExtra("image_id");

CommentViewModel commentViewModel = new ViewModelProvider(this).get(CommentViewModel.class);


public class CommentDataSource extends PageKeyedDataSource<Long, Comment> {
    public CommentDataSource(){
    progress_bar = new MutableLiveData<>();

public void loadInitial(@NonNull final LoadInitialParams<Long> params, @NonNull final LoadInitialCallback<Long, Comment> callback) {
    RestApi restApi = RetrofitApi.create();

    Call<CommentResponse> call = restApi.getComments(FIRST_PAGE, "I want the image_id from activity here");

    call.enqueue(new Callback<CommentResponse>() {
        public void onResponse(Call<CommentResponse> call, Response<CommentResponse> response) {



public class CommentDataFactory extends DataSource.Factory<Long, Comment> {

public MutableLiveData<CommentDataSource> commentLiveDataSource = new MutableLiveData<>();

public CommentDataFactory() {

public DataSource<Long, Comment> create() {
    CommentDataSource commentDataSource = new CommentDataSource();
    return commentDataSource;


public class CommentViewModel extends ViewModel {

public  LiveData<PagedList<Comment>> commentPagedList;
public  LiveData<CommentDataSource> liveDataSource;
public  LiveData progressBar;

public CommentViewModel(){
    CommentDataFactory commentDataFactory = new CommentDataFactory();
    liveDataSource = commentDataFactory.commentLiveDataSource;

    progressBar = Transformations.switchMap(liveDataSource, CommentDataSource::getProgressBar);

    PagedList.Config config = new PagedList.Config.Builder()

    commentPagedList = new LivePagedListBuilder<>(commentDataFactory, config).build();

public LiveData<PagedList<Comment>> getCommentData(){
    return commentPagedList;

public void getRefreshedData(){

How to do that.? I checked Passing variable to paging library class which is exactly what I want to do but I dont understand it and the code gives errors. Errors such as

Cannot create an instance of class CommentViewModel

CommentViewModel has no zero argument constructor

Okay do:

 commentViewmodel1.getCommentData().observe(this, new Observer<PagedList<Comments>>(){
public void onChanged(PagedList<Comment> 


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