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How to properly use Observables with nestjs?

Im working on a API that can hanlde users (just that for simplicity) doing basic crud operations. I got the user service something like:

    export class UsersService {
            private usersRepository: Repository<User>,
        ) { }
        async findById(id: number): Promise<User> {
            return this.usersRepository.findOne(id);

and a controller:

export class UsersController {

    constructor(private readonly _userService: UsersService) { }

    findById(@Param('id', ParseIntPipe) id: number): Observable<User> {
        return from(this._userService.findById(id));

And that works, i can find, create, delete, etc.. the problem is that if i try to finOne user ( Get(:id) from my controller ) and if it not exist, it just return a 200 ok with no response to the client, but it should be a 404 because the resource is not found.

Reading the documentation i understand (hope i did it right) that we can return a observable and it will be automatically subcribed. So the question is, where and how to hanlde if the result for findOne is nothing and return a response with the appropiate status, using observables of course.

I have try to find some examples, but i only find a few examples working with promises and most of the time they just ignore the not find user case.

PD: "They" said that i should hanlde that in the controller

If you want to return a 404 and use observables, what you can do is something like this:

export class UsersController {

    constructor(private readonly _userService: UsersService) { }

    findById(@Param('id', ParseIntPipe) id: number): Observable<User> {
        return from(this._userService.findById(id)).pipe(
          map(user => {
            if (!user) {
              throw new NotFoundException();
            return user;

I'm personally a fan of keeping all of my logic in services instead of controllers, keeps the controllers thin and the logic re-usable for the most part.

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