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How to create console.log?

I want to finish my JavaScript code professionally.

I want to do a console.log like a picture so... I go to https://www.text-image.com/ and convert my picture into ASCII. This is my picture in ASCII text for example...

  ``   ``  ``   ``  ``   ``  ``  ``   ```-/+osyhhhhhhyso+/-```   ``  ``  ``   ``  ``   ``  ``   ``  
``   ``  ``  ``   ``  ``   ``  ``  ./shmdys+//:..--..://+shdmhs/.  ``  ``   ``  ``   ``  ``  ``   ``
  ``   ``  ``   ``  ``   ``  ``./ymhs/-`  ``   ``  ``   ``  `-/sdmy/.``  ``   ``  ``   ``  ``   ``  
``   `   ``   `   ``  ``   ``+hmy/````  ``   `   ``   `   ``  ````/ymh+``   ``  ``   `   ``   `   ``
                          -ymy:``                                  ``:ymy-                          
  ``   ``  ``   ``  ``  -hmo.``   `   ``  ``   ``...`   ``  ``   `   ``.omh-  ``  ``   ``  ``   ``  
``   `   ``   `   ``  .ymo.``  ``   ``  `-/++oyhhddhhhs+++:.  ``   ``  ``.omy.  ``   `   ``   `   ``
  ``   ``  ``   ``  `/my.``  `-/:``  .+oo/-++/-..+o.-./+/-:+o+-  ``-+-`  ``.ym/`  ``   ``  ``   ``  
``   ``  ``  ``   ``sN/` ``-sdm/`  :sy-``++.``.  ++  -.``/+.`.+y+` `/dms:`. `+Ns``   ``  ``  ``   ``
  ``   ``  ``   ```hm- .yo/NNs-  /y/`.:oy+:-.-```/+```/`../yo//::so` .smN+oh- :mh```   ``  ``   ``  
``   ``  ``  ``  `hm. `dh`ho++ .y+` ``:o..`-+////sy///+y:-..++``  :y/ /+oh.ym` .mh`  ``  ``  ``   ``
  ``   ``  ``   `yN.`+-M/-sds.:d/``  :s`  `--  ``/+``  +:`  `+/  ``-ho`ods-:M:+.-Ny`   ``  ``   ``  
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               `mh`-M++Ny/s`.d-   `.y/:////s/::::ss:::::d////:-y.`   `y/`s/sNo/M:`hm`               
  ``   ``  ``  /M- -Mo-+ym: s+`   ``h```  ./``...+o...``y-  `` o-`   `.d`:dh+-+M: :M/  ``  ``   ``  
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  ``   ``  ``  Ny`o:yMNo/:`-h``  ``+/ ``  +-````:++:`` `s+  `` `s``  ``/s`-++NNh-s`yN  ``  ``   ``  
``   ``  ``  ``Mo yy.ms/N` :d//////ys////+yyhd. -hs. :dydy+/////h//////sy `m+oN.sh oM``  ``  ``   ``
  ``   ``  `` `Mo`/M/:/Ny``.h``  ``++.oyhdNMMy `.y+```mMMNdhyo``o``  ``+o``sM+/:N+`sM` ``  ``   ``  
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   `   ``  ``   /M:`sNh:oM+::``o:```MMMMMMMMMMMMdMMdMMMMMMMMMMMm ` .o-`-:/Mo:hNy`/M/   ``  ``   `   
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  ``   ``  ``   ``hd-ss+sdN:+Mo  `/yMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM++-  +Mo-Nds+sy-mh``   ``  ``   ``  
``   ``  ``  ``   .hd-ommyo/.dM/:-`yMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMo`-/:Nm-/oydmo-mh.   ``  ``  ``   ``
  ``   ``  ``   `` `sm/.+dNNdymN/yhhNMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMmshy/NmydNNd+./ms` ``   ``  ``   ``  
``   ``  ``  ``   `` /my.`++osydd+/dNMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMNm/+ddyso++..ym/ ``   ``  ``  ``   ``
  ``   ``  ``   ``  ``.sm+-ohysooooodMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMNMMdooooosyhs-oms.``  ``   ``  ``   ``  
``   `   ``   `   ``  ``-ym+.:+syssso+/oMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM+/+osssyy+:-+my-``  ``   `   ``   `   ``
  ``   ``  ``   ``  ``   `  `+hds+/+oo+dMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMy+oo+/+sdh+`  `   ``  ``   ``  ``   ``  
``   ``  ``  ``   ``  ``   ``  ./ymho/.mMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMy./ohmy/.  ``   ``  ``   ``  ``  ``   ``
  ``   ``  ``   ``  ``   ``  ``  ``-/shNMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMNhs/-``  ``  ``   ``  ``   ``  ``   ``  
``   ``  ``  ``   ``  ``   ``  ``   ``  .:/+osyyhhhhyyso+/:.  ``   ``  ``   ``  `` 

``  ``  ``   ``

And now I need to get this into a my html code for example this is my code:

       console.log("A ANONYMOUS IMAGE FOR EXAMPLE");

I saw a console.log image on website quizlet.com and I want to do it either. I see a / and n scripts and I don't know what is it.

While subjectively I feel that what you're trying to do is counter to your goals, your Javascript is accurate.

console.log('Your art goes here.')

...is all you need. Just paste there. If you want it to look the same on larger consoles, you may need to force new lines. Here's a similar question that handles new lines in console log:

how to create line breaks in console.log() in node

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