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converting RDD to dataframe fails on string to date conversion

I am working on extracting some data from xml. My overall workflow, which might be inefficient, is:

  1. Read xml into a dataframe ('df_individual')
  2. Filter unwanted columns
  3. Make the target schema (shared below)
  4. Convert the dataframe to RDD
  5. Create a dataframe using schema and RDD from step 3 and 4

I created the RDD like below:

rddd = df_individual.rdd.map(tuple)

'df_individual' is the orignal dataframe where read the xml.

Below is the schema:

schema = types.StructType([
        types.StructField('applicaion_id', types.StringType()),
        types.StructField('cd_type', types.StringType()),
        types.StructField('cd_title', types.StringType()),
        types.StructField('firstname', types.StringType()),
        types.StructField('middlename', types.StringType()),
        types.StructField('nm_surname', types.StringType()),
        types.StructField('dt_dob', types.DateType()),
        types.StructField('cd_gender', types.StringType()),
        types.StructField('cd_citizenship', types.StringType())

It fails on

df_result = spark.createDataFrame(rddd, schema)

The error is

TypeError: field dt_dob: DateType can not accept object '1973-02-19' in type <class 'str'>

The main purpose of creating the 'df_result' dataframe is having a predefined schema and implicitly casting all the columns where there is difference between RDD and dataframe. This is my first time working with RDD and I couldn't find a straight forward casting mechanism for such a case.

If you can help with solving the casting error or share a better workflow that would be great.


If your aim is only to get your data into the right schema and transform some string columns into date columns, I would use a select combined with to_date .

df.select('applicaion_id', 'cd_type', 'cd_title', 'firstname', 'middlename', 'nm_surname', \
          F.to_date('dt_dob').alias('dt_bob'), \
          'cd_gender', 'cd_citizenship') \


 |-- applicaion_id: string (nullable = true)
 |-- cd_type: string (nullable = true)
 |-- cd_title: string (nullable = true)
 |-- firstname: string (nullable = true)
 |-- middlename: string (nullable = true)
 |-- nm_surname: string (nullable = true)
 |-- dt_bob: date (nullable = true)
 |-- cd_gender: string (nullable = true)
 |-- cd_citizenship: string (nullable = true)

with the column dt_bob having a date datatype.

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