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PHP htmlspecialchars() or htmlentities() with exception

How can I define an exception for htmlspecialchars() or htmlentities() ? I would like to have all special characters converted to be HTML safe except for <strong><b><i><em><br>

Easiest way would be to convert your string with htmlentities and then use preg_replace to replace back the selected tags:

$string = '<p><strong>A <i>test</i> string with a <a href="#">Test link</a></strong></p>';
$encoded_string = htmlentities($string);

$encoded_string = preg_replace('/&lt;(\/?(strong|b|i|em|br))&gt;/', '<$1>', $encoded_string);

//outputs: &lt;p&gt;<strong>A <i>test</i> string with a &lt;a href=&quot;#&quot;&gt;Test link&lt;/a&gt;</strong>&lt;/p&gt;

Of course if you want to handle arguments inside the tags as well, then the regex pattern needs some work, although these tags are generally lacking any argument.

I have slightly modified the solution by @MrLumie by adding another (.?\/)? to retain both <br> and <br /> (albeit converting them both to <br> ):


as shown here: https://regex101.com/r/G6D2lj/1

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