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python pandas without index on columns

I managed with great help from here to export to xlsx appending on rows on a different sheet if needed. The issue I keep having is that when saving, it goes like this


  |  a1 |  b2 |  c3 |  d4 |  e5 |
a1|  0  |  1  |  2  |  3  |  4  |
b2| sth | prc | some|else |here |
c3|  0  |  1  |  2  |  3  |  4  |
d3| sth1|prc2 |some1|esle2|here3|

The writer/reader code is the following, I have tried the.style, I have tried to set the index to None, I have tried to.reset_index(drop=True) but nothing did the trick.

data = pd.DataFrame(data =all_together)
writer= pd.ExcelWriter('FromPython.xlsx',engine='openpyxl')
writer.book = load_workbook('FromPython.xlsx')
writer.sheets=dict((ws.title,ws) for ws in writer.book.worksheets)
reader = pd.read_excel(r'FromPython.xlsx',sheet_name=month)
data.to_excel(writer,sheet_name=month,header=month, index = False,startrow=len(reader)+1)


* Edit result that I need *


  |  a1 |  b2 |  c3 |  d4 |  e5 |
a1| sth |prc  | some|else |here |
b2| sth1|prc2 |some1|else2|here3|
c3| sth2|prc3 |some2|else3|here4|
d3| sth3|prc4 |some3|esle4|here5|

I do not want the index on columns to be shown. I just want the results added as it does, without the index row.

Ok that I didn't check, the issue was the header and not the index. So I set header=False in the data.to_excel() and prints out as it should. Sorry for that everyone.

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