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how do I prevent numbers from going to Scientific Notations in my TextView?


I am making a calculator. When I add too many characters, the display automatically gets this scientific notation.

How do I prevent this?

    if ((answer == null)) {
        answer = 0.0
    } else {
        answer = (answer * 10) + digit

// removes the .0 from the end of the string
private fun checkLast2Digits(answerText: String): String {
    val checkLast2Digits = answerText.takeLast(2)
    if (checkLast2Digits.equals(".0")) {
        return answerText.toString().take(answerText.toString().length - 2)
    } else {
        return answerText.toString()

You can use .toBigDecimal().toPlainString() to avoid the scientific notation. This also removes the trailing zeros after the decimal place, so you don't need that other function either.


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