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In IntelliJ IDEA, how do I disable the auto-format on simple methods

After making simple methods such as:

    public int getWidth() {
        return game.getWidth();

    public int getHeight() {
        return game.getHeight();

    public Game getGame() {
        return game;

It will be reformatted as:

 public int getWidth() { return game.getWidth();}

    public int getHeight() { return game.getHeight();}

    public Game getGame() { return game;}

In the settings under Editor >> Code Style >> Java >> Keep when reformatting, I have the box for "simple methods in one line" unchecked and it still happens. How can I fix this?

Just saying, it's not that bad since you can click on the method and it expands it.

But you can click File | Settings | Editor | General | Code Folding and click Collapse by Default. Then uncheck One-Line Methods under the Java section.

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