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Odoo `sudo` correct log

I am having problem using sudo in Odoo version 11. Checking doc, I think the same problem exists in version 12. Using sudo generate log with wrong(?) user. For eg I override confirm_sale to use sudo .

from odoo import api, fields, models

class SaleOrder(models.Model):
    _inherit = 'sale.order'

    def action_confirm(self):
        return super(SaleOrder, self.sudo()).action_confirm()

Then let say when "Sale User" confirm sale order, log is shown as if "Administrator" approved sale order. Information is lost on who really confirmed sale order.


Question: So, my question is I want to use sudo but still record correctly who made changes.

Clarification/Use Case: Removing sudo and adding necessary permissions for user can solve the problem. But my very often use case is one group of users can only create/edit data and one or more groups can only confirm/approve data without edit permission. So, sudo is necessary.

Fixes: Currently I am using the below fixes for this problem.

You can use this OCA module https://apps.odoo.com/apps/modules/11.0/base_suspend_security/

Just install the module and use suspend_security() instead of sudo(), it will bypass access rights but keep the current user on log

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