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how to get all the arguments in a command captured in a windows .bat file

grep -P  "ERROR.+SQLTransientConnectionException" uts.log  | wc -l

I was trying to copy/capture the above (previous) command to the clipboard.
My attempt was a batch file ec.bat with below contents

echo %* | clip

However, when I tried that on the previously run command like below

ec.bat grep -P  "ERROR.+SQLTransientConnectionException" uts.log  | wc -l

it only copied the grep part(like below) not the entire command line. It left out the pipe(|) and the "wc -l"

grep -P  "ERROR.+SQLTransientConnectionException" uts.log

How can I get/request the entire command line? Is there an environment variable containing the previous command? Is there something similar to the bash/zsh special parameters like explained here

I tried this problem from another angle. I tried to find the history of the command prompt.

From https://www.itechtics.com/view-command-prompt-history-windows/#:~:text=Open%20CMD%20from%20the%20Start,within%20the%20window%20of%20CMD. , I found that you can type a command "doskey /history" which gives the history. I can use tail to grab the previous command and work on it as required.

I guess it helps to work on a problem from different angles.

You could use a doskey macro.

doskey ec=toclip.bat "$*"

And in the batch file toclip.bat

@echo off
set line=%*
setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
REM *** Remove the surrounding quotes from line
for /F "delims=" %%L in ("!line!") DO (
    (echo(%%~L) | clip

It's unexpected, but doskey macros have precendence over normal cmd.exe parsing.
That results into quotes around your arguments.

But it fails, if your arguments contain quotes itself, like

ec grep "hello|world" file

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