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How to get parameter from URL using javascript

I passed a parameter through an URL using javascript. Here's the code:

 <script> window.onload = function() { // Creating a cookie after the document is ready var cookies = document.cookie.split(";") var cookiePair = cookies[0].split("="); var cookie_user=cookiePair[1]; // remove ending parenthesis here window.location.replace(""+cookie_user); }; </script>

The page that received the parameter is called ChangeInfo This is what I see in the URL when I get to the ChangeInfo page:

When I'm trying to get the parameter username from the URL, I get this error: Notice: Undefined index: username in C:\xampp\htdocs\test\ChangeInfo.php on line 5

The way I'm trying to get this parameter is to use $_GET like that: $username = $_GET['username'];

Does anyone know why this makes me a problem? Thanks in advance

I just solve the problem

I deleted the Page parameter from the URL I created in javascript part. this is the updated Javascript part:

 <script> window.onload = function() { // Creating a cookie after the document is ready var cookies = document.cookie.split(";") var cookiePair = cookies[0].split("="); var cookie_user=cookiePair[1]; // remove ending parenthesis here window.location.replace(""+cookie_user); }; </script>

thank you:)

Ignoring the javascript part, needing to focus on PHP.

You are on this page:

And when you use $_GET['username'] you get the error, that it is not assigned. It seems that your $_GET is not working at all, probably Apache settings.

Also, it is safer to get GET parameters with isset first.

if(isset($_GET['username']) && $_GET['username']] {
  $username = $_GET['username'];
else {
  $username = '';

Then you can compare, if username is set or not in your php code:

if($username) {
  //Do something

Final thought. Is your first parameter page= working? Can you get it through $_GET?

The problem seems to be just in the way you set and get the url parameter though $_GET. If you use some framework, it might be disabled to use $_GET directly and for example in Symfony you need to use:


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