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how to access exoplayer methods inside recycler view adapter

I have a exoplayer which plays videos. And i want to capture it current position.

So, in MainActivity

lateinit var player: SimpleExoPlayer

fun timeCapture(view: View) {

is working fine

But, The fact is need to capture this event on Recycler view adapter

in MainActivity i'm passing data to recycler view like this,

 var viewAdapter = MainActivityAdapter(data)

Since, player is lateinit i cannot access it in adapter like below


this gives error.

So, any suggestions for this

You just need to create a global variable that's all. And be careful to handle errors while using that.


package com.company.notexist.model

import com.google.android.exoplayer2.SimpleExoPlayer

object GlobalVariables {
    lateinit var player: SimpleExoPlayer

to access above player variable import it to any file

import com.company.notexist.model.GlobalVariables.player

then rest of the code is normal
player = ExoPlayerFactory.newSimpleInstance(this)
id_player_view.player = player

then in on adapter use it like this,


but don't forget import statement and error handling(ie check for null and other things)

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