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Showing Interstitial Ad in flutter

Is this correct...It showing only test ads but It's not showing real ads. I won't know whether the following method is correct or wrong for InterstitialAd.I've imported admob package and configured AndroidManifest.xml as following.



    static const MobileAdTargetingInfo targetingInfo = MobileAdTargetingInfo(
        testDevices: testDevice != null ? <String>[testDevice] : null,
        nonPersonalizedAds: true,
        keywords: <String>['Game', 'Mario'],

    InterstitialAd _interstitialAd;

    void initState() {



      void dispose() {

 InterstitialAd createInterstitialAd() {
    return InterstitialAd(
        adUnitId: "ca-app-pub-#############/#######",
      //Change Interstitial AdUnitId with Admob ID
        targetingInfo: targetingInfo,
        listener: (MobileAdEvent event) {
          print("IntersttialAd $event");

Ad is triggered using button




You've setup test devices in your targetingInfo.

As long as all your ids from admob are from the console (production not test codes) then when this runs on actual devices other than the one you're testing on. It should work fine. It may take some time before actual ads get populated on a new app.

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