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how can i solve the unique field error in laravel?

'call_signs' => [
    'required', 'array', 'min:1',
    'call_signs.*.call_sign' => [
        Rule::unique('call_signs', 'call_sign')->whereNull('deleted_at')->ignore($user->id, 'user_id')

this is my unique code it gives me the error

call_signs is an array

BadMethodCallException Method Illuminate\Validation\Validator::validateUnique:callSigns,callSign,"12",userId,deletedAt,"NULL" does not exist.

my Callsign table has softDelete

Laravel's Unique Validation Rule provides only ignore method and not whereNull method. Please note that whereNull method is part of Database Query Builder.

Also, it is usually not good to check for uniqueness on soft deletes on tables. You should consider using hard delete for such use case.

Anyway, if you want to use for some reason, you can create your own unique custom validation rule. You can read more about ithere , contains example also.

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