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Apache ActiveMQ/Artemis PeriodicRotatingFileHandler

I setup an Apache ActiveMQ Artemis broker where I want to create for each day a new artemis.log file.

I configured in logging.properties the PeriodicRotatingFileHandler , but it isn't working correctly.

It creates a log file for the day with the date in the filename (which is correct), but it does not create a log file for the other following days. It only creates new log files with the date when I restart the broker service.

Has anyone an example how the logging.properties should look like to achieve my plan?

The PeriodicRotatingFileHandler checks the time only on writing a new log record: PeriodicRotatingFileHandler.java#L115

The PeriodicRotatingFileHandler class could be extended, ie using a timer:

public class AutoPeriodicRotatingFileHandler extends PeriodicRotatingFileHandler {
   private Timer timer = new Timer();
   private long period = 5 * 60 * 1000;
   private ExtLogRecord timerLogRecord = new ExtLogRecord(Level.ALL, "TIMER", AutoPeriodicRotatingFileHandler.class.getName());

   public AutoPeriodicRotatingFileHandler() {

   //TODO Add required constructors here

   public AutoPeriodicRotatingFileHandler(final File file, final String suffix, final boolean append, final int period) throws FileNotFoundException {
      super(file, suffix, append);
      this.period = period;

   private void initialize() {
      timer.schedule(new TimerTask() {
         public void run() {
      }, 0, period);

   public void close() throws SecurityException {

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