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New python venv is using global packages

So far I wasn't aware that I should be creating a new venv for each project and so, I installed every package I needed globally. Now when I want to start using python -m venv env, my program runs fine, even though I have installed no packages at all. I assume it uses global packages, because when I do pip freeze I get no packages listed.

I'm trying to create a requirements.txt file that'll list only the packages I need for this project, but it's empty, and my code runs fine! The include-system-site-packages = false is also set in the pyvenv.cfg file, I really don't get this.

Solved it. Apparently my app was using a global Flask package, which had access to other global packages. I uninstalled global Flask package, which forced my app to use the env Flask, along with other env packages.

Now requirements.txt gets rendered properly.

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