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Scala Spark Structured Streaming Filter by TimestampType within Struct Field

I have multiple Data Types within a defined schema. Trying to find a good way to filter by TimestampType to transform all TimeStampType fields from long to datetime. I'm able to filer using.dtypes within the stream on StringType but run into issues when trying to filter with.dtypes of StructFields and StructTypes. Is there a way to filter only TimestampType's within a Struct? Below is the sudo code I'm using which is in Scala 2.11 using spark structured streaming

val isoDateFormatter = "yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss'Z'"

val ExampleDataFrameLoad = spark
    .option("subscribe", topics.keys.mkString(","))
    .select($"key".cast(StringType), $"value".cast(StringType), $"topic")
    // Convert untyped dataframe to dataset
    .as[(String, String, String)]
    // Merge all manifests for vehicle in minibatch
    //Start of merge
    .flatMapGroupsWithState(OutputMode.Append, GroupStateTimeout.ProcessingTimeTimeout)(mergeGroup)
    // .select($"key".cast(StringType),from_json($"value",schema).as("manifest"))
    .select($"_1".alias("key"), $"_2".alias("jsonvalues"))
    .select("key", "jsonvalues.*")

val ExampleDataFrame = ExampleDataFrameLoad
/* Returns      
(metaData,StructType(StructField(Test,StringType,true), StructField(DateUtc,TimestampType,true) 

*Uses the following objects
   import java.sql.Timestamp

 object ManifestClasses {
 final case class ProductManifestDocument(
                                        contractVersion: Option[String],
                                        metaData: DocumentMetaData 
final case class DocumentMetaData(
                                 Test: Option[String]
                                 DateUtc: Timestamp

    //brings back data fields with types
   //Currently returning empty but works for StringType 
    .filter(_._2 == "TimestampType")

    //Tranforms all timestamp longs to yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss'Z' format
    .foldLeft(ExampleDataFrame)((df, colName) => df.withColumn(colName, date_format(col(colName), isoDateFormatter)))

You can convert the structType as below -

Changing the date format of timestamp type in place

Load the test data

val ExampleDataFrame = spark.sql("select key, contractVersion, metaData from values " +
      "('k1', 'v1', named_struct('Test', 'test1', 'DateUtc', cast(unix_timestamp() as timestamp))) " +
      "T(key, contractVersion, metaData)")
      * +---+---------------+----------------------------+
      * |key|contractVersion|metaData                    |
      * +---+---------------+----------------------------+
      * |k1 |v1             |[test1, 2020-06-23 14:39:55]|
      * +---+---------------+----------------------------+
      * root
      * |-- key: string (nullable = false)
      * |-- contractVersion: string (nullable = false)
      * |-- metaData: struct (nullable = false)
      * |    |-- Test: string (nullable = false)
      * |    |-- DateUtc: timestamp (nullable = true)
      * (key,StringType)
      * (contractVersion,StringType)
      * (metaData,StructType(StructField(Test,StringType,false), StructField(DateUtc,TimestampType,true)))

Convert timestamp from struct to specific date format

    val isoDateFormatter = "yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss'Z'"
    val processedDF = ExampleDataFrame.withColumn("metaData", struct($"metaData.Test",
      date_format($"metaData.DateUtc", isoDateFormatter)))

      * +---+---------------+-----------------------------+
      * |key|contractVersion|metaData                     |
      * +---+---------------+-----------------------------+
      * |k1 |v1             |[test1, 2020-06-23T14:51:17Z]|
      * +---+---------------+-----------------------------+

Update-1 (based on comments)

Extracting out the timestamptype from structType as a separete column

      .flatMap(s => s.dataType.asInstanceOf[StructType]
        .filter(_.dataType == TimestampType)
        .map(f => s"${s.name}.${f.name}")
      .foldLeft(ExampleDataFrame)((df, colName) => df.withColumn(colName, date_format(col(colName), isoDateFormatter)))

      * +---+---------------+----------------------------+--------------------+
      * |key|contractVersion|metaData                    |metaData.DateUtc    |
      * +---+---------------+----------------------------+--------------------+
      * |k1 |v1             |[test1, 2020-06-23 21:40:36]|2020-06-23T21:40:36Z|
      * +---+---------------+----------------------------+--------------------+
// use df.select("`metaData.DateUtc`") to select the columns having dot(.)

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