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Traefik: Dynamic routing by subdomain


I have multiple services that are deployed on Docker containers. Each set of our clients should be routed to a specific service. Example:

  • Client1 -> service1
  • Client2 -> service1
  • client3 -> service2

This should done using subdomain: client1= client1.example.com client2 = client2.example.com


I would like this config to be dynamic meaning that Traefik needs to get these routing rules dynamically from another service:

  • I can for example create a service that giving a hostname return the name of service that Traefik should route to.
  • Or maybe when a client is added I can push this rule to Traefik.


This feature is useful when I create a saas application.

Thank you very much.

One easy way to achieve this is to use regex for the defined routers for each of the services and update the regex once you onboarded a new client

For instance, add this label to the service 1

 - traefik.http.routers.app-backend.rule=HostRegexp(`{subdomain:(clinet1)}.example.com`)

and when you add another client that should be served by service 1, just update the label to be

 - traefik.http.routers.app-backend.rule=HostRegexp(`{subdomain:(clinet1|clientX)}.example.com`)

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