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Nuxt subdomain routing

I'm trying to implement subdomain routing in Nuxt. This is what I need to do:

username1.mydomain.com (this page should display "hello, i am username1")
username2.mydomain.com (this page should display "hello, i am username2")
username3.mydomain.com (this page should display "hello, i am username3")
username4.mydomain.com (this page should display "hello, i am username4")
and so on

username1.mydomain.com/content (this page should display "content by username1")
username2.mydomain.com/content (this page should display "content by username2")
username3.mydomain.com/content (this page should display "content by username3")
username4.mydomain.com/content (this page should display "content by username4")
and so on

I found this link (have yet to make it work) but it uses @Nuxtjs/router to (i think) override vue-router - wondering if there's a better way, I really like nuxt's ability to "create a page and you dont need to define the route" approach. Is there a way to do this in nuxt, ideally without vue-router, keeping the nuxt default page / routing behavior?

// router.js

import Router from 'vue-router'

export function createRouter(ssrContext, createDefaultRouter, routerOptions) {
  const options = routerOptions || createDefaultRouter(ssrContext).options

  let routesDirectory = null

  if (process.server && ssrContext && ssrContext.nuxt && ssrContext.req) {
    const req = ssrContext.req

    const domainLevel = (req.headers.host.match(/\./g) || []).length + 1

    // Get routes directory by hostname

    routesDirectory = domainLevel > 2 ? 'sub-domain' : 'root-domain'
    // Save to the object that will be sent to the client as inline-script
    ssrContext.nuxt.routesDirectory = routesDirectory
  if (process.client) {
    // Get what we saved on SSR
    if (window.__NUXT__ && window.__NUXT__.routesDirectory) {
      routesDirectory = window.__NUXT__.routesDirectory

  function isUnderDirectory(route, directory) {
    const path = route.path
    return path === '/' + directory || path.startsWith('/' + directory + '/')

  let newRoutes = options.routes
  if (routesDirectory) {
    newRoutes = options.routes
      .filter((route) => {
        // remove routes from other directories
        const toRemove =
          routesDirectory === 'sub-domain'
            ? 'root-domain'
            : 'sub-domain'
        return !isUnderDirectory(route, toRemove)
      .map((route) => {
        // remove directory from path and name
        if (isUnderDirectory(route, routesDirectory)) {
          return {
            path: route.path.substr(routesDirectory.length + 1) || '/',
            name: route.name.substr(routesDirectory.length + 1) || 'index'
        return route

  return new Router({
    routes: newRoutes


If you have a predetermined list of usernames, this module ' k-domains ' can help you.

Here is an example :

  export default {
    buildModules: [
      [ "k-domains", {
          subDomains: ["username1", "username2", "username3" ], // List of directories to hold te pages for your subdomains
          rootDomain: "main-domain" //  directory to hold the pages for root domain  
          keepDefaultRouter: true // this line is mandatory...

with a file tree like:

|   ├───username1
|   ├───username2
|   ├───username3
|   └───main-domain

Answered in: https://stackoverflow.com/a/65813846/3739410

But if your usernames cannot be predicted, you should use the router to handle the subdomain, as showed here: https://levelup.gitconnected.com/managing-wildcard-subdomains-with-vue-router-9fd74518f2f5

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