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Laravel blade image display

can someone help me with image display in laravel blade?

So this is full image URL after upload


It is supposed to be uploaded to

public/uploads/products folder.

Here is part of code where I create product (ProductsController):

public function store(Request $request)
        $this->validate($request, [
            'title' => 'required',
            'price' => 'required',
            'description' => 'required',
            'productImage' => 'required|image'

        $productImage = $request->productImage;

        $productImage_new_name = time() . $productImage->getClientOriginalName();

        $productImage->move('uploads/products' . $productImage_new_name);

            'title' => $request->title,
            'productImage' => '/uploads/products/' . $productImage_new_name,
            'price' => $request->price,
            'description' => $request->description

        return redirect()->route('products.index');

Also here is blade display:

<th><img src="{{ $product->productImage }}" alt="{{ $product->title }} image"></th>

And this is getting me right link because of:

public function getProductImageAttribute($productImage){
        return asset($productImage);

in product model.

EDIT When I upload new image it does not go into folder instead it just create new folder with the name of the image and inside it is file with name phpSOMETHING_RANDOM_HERE.tmp

In your store method

$path = $request->productImage->store('uploads/products');
// OR if you need to give it name
$path = $request->productImage->storeAs('uploads/products', 'filename.jpg');

You can 'productImage' => $path, while creating product.

If anyone else faces this problem please check this part of your code.

$productImage = $request->productImage;
$productImage_new_name = time() . $productImage->getClientOriginalName();
$productImage->move('uploads/products', $productImage_new_name);

Specifically this line:

$productImage->move('uploads/products', $productImage_new_name);

The whole time I had dot between path and variable for the name of an uploaded file .

So to fix this problem just change dot for coma.

Instead of

$productImage->move('uploads/products' . $productImage_new_name);

You need

$productImage->move('uploads/products', $productImage_new_name);

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