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How to display a single image with html in Laravel Blade?

I want to display an image from my database, stored as a blob. The Blade file to view the picture is as follows.

<div class="col-lg-7"> 
    <img src="{{ url('images/' . $id )}} "/>

I tried to replace with this code:

  <img style="display:block;width:100%;height:100%;" src="{{ url('images/' . $id) }} " />

It shows the view in the page like this:


I use the following function in my web route to get the image.

// Get profile image
Route::get('images/{id}', function ($id) {
    // Find the user
    $item = App\Itemregistration::find($id);

    // Return the image in the response with the correct MIME type
    return response()->make($item->Picture, 200, array(
        'Content-Type' => (new finfo(FILEINFO_MIME))->buffer($item->Picture)

Previously I was able to display the picture; the image is stored in the images folder. However, after a few developments in another area, suddenly I just noticed the picture could not be displayed. I had checked using URL (for example ) the image is downloaded as an unknown file. I had compared the code with the previous version; it is the same. I am confused, what caused the problem.

Do anyone has an idea which way to identify the problem? Am I missing something or change something accidentally?Thanks.

Wouldn't it be easier to just render the image in the view directly, rather than define a function and then use it as you've done?

    <img src="{{asset('your_image_folder_path'.$image->name)}}">

I see you are trying to access the image by it so maybe you can also do something like such:

    public function methodName($id)
       $image= YourImageModel::find($id);
       return view('your_view_with_compacted_image_variable');


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