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How to change the color of the dropdown text color of ttk combobox widget?

First I was trying only used:


Then I was trying to set new style:

style_missed_combobox = tkinter.ttk.Style()
style_missed_combobox.configure("Red.TCombobox", foreground="red")

And use it after create the combobox widget.

missed_list_combobox = tkinter.ttk.Combobox(frame4, state="readonly", width=32, style="Red.TCombobox")
missed_list_combobox.grid(row=2, column=3, padx=2, sticky="w", pady=3)

But same...it's only change the color of the top element in the combobox... not the entire dropdown elements... how can i change the color text of all the dropdown element..?

Thanks in advance, eliran

As far as I know this is not directly possible with tkinter because we cannot acccess the combobox's listbox through the python interface. However this can be done using the underlying tcl interpreter with:

missed_list_combobox.tk.eval('[ttk::combobox::PopdownWindow %s].f.l configure -foreground red' % missed_list_combobox)

If you also want to change the background to yellow, just add -background yellow to the above tcl command.

By the way, if you want to change the default foreground of all comboboxes' dropdown listbox, you can use

root.option_add('*TCombobox*Listbox.foreground' % frame, 'red')

but this will only apply to comboboxes created after this line ( root can be replaced by any widget)

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