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Post request from postman seems to not be sending any json data

I am trying to test my project out, and I am using postman right now to pass in some data: I have set postman to "POST" to my local server through "body", and then I send the following:

    "name": "My Name"

Then, my server file post request is:

const express = require('express'),
router        = express.Router(),
gravatar      = require('gravatar'),
bcrypt        = require('bcryptjs'),
{check, validationResult} = require('express-validator');

// User Model
const User = require('../../models/User');

// @route       GET api/users
// @description Test Route
// @access      Public
router.get('/', (req, res) => {
    res.send("User Route")

// @route       POST api/users
// @description Register User
// @access      Public
router.post('/', [
    check('name', 'Name is required').not().isEmpty(),
    check('email', 'Please enter a valid email address').isEmail(),
    check('password', 'Password must contain at least 6 characters').isLength({min: 6})
], async (req, res) => {
    return res.send(req.body);

module.exports = router;

I put in the res.send(req.body) to confirm anything is being sent to my server in general before I test any of the other code out, however, the res.send only returns: {} meaning that no json information has been sent to my server. I know that the routes work because when I put in a GET request, it acts as expected. Is there something obvious I am missing here? Thank you.


I have figured out the answer to my issue. In the "Headers" I was missing the "Content-type - application/json". After adding this is seems to work.


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