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Modal Bottom Sheet and Bloc

I get the following error when I run code similar to the below code: BlocProvider.of() called with a context that does not contain a Bloc.

To replicate

          create: (context) => getIt<TheBloc>()
          child: BlocBuilder<TheBloc, TheState>(
          build: (context, state) =>
            onPressed: () => _showModal(context),
            child: const Text('SHOW BLOC MODAL'),


void _showModal(BuildContext context) {
    context: context,
    builder: (_) {
          return MaterialButton(
               onPressed() {
              child: Text('Press button to add event to bloc')

You need to wrap the builder of showModalBottomSheet with a BlocProvider.value as follows: As the context is new.

return BlocProvider.value(
     value: BlocProvider.of<TheBloc>(context),
     child: MaterialButton( ...

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