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How to add an integer to an existing dataframe of different column length in r?

Sorry if this question has been asked already. I am new to R.

I currently have a dataframe with 1 column. I am trying to build this dataframe with different integers I have.


I have the following integers

Bpeaks = 2 1 6 12 10 5 8
Cpeaks = 2 1
Dpeaks = 4 1 0 9 20 4 18 11 9 6

I am trying to add the integer (list of integers?) Bpeaks to the dataframe Apeaks as a column. At the same time, the Apeaks column would only have 3 values while the Bpeaks column will have 7 values. I am trying to assign the value of 0 for each row of Apeaks for the extra # of rows as Bpeaks.

This is what I'm hoping for my result

Apeaks Bpeaks
1      2
6      1
5      6
0      12
0      10
0      5
0      8

In addition, when I add a column of shorter value, the rows will automatically be assigned as 0. For example

Cpeaks = 2 1

Apeaks Bpeaks Cpeaks
1      2      2
6      1      1
5      6      0
0      12     0
0      10     0
0      5      0
0      8      0

And when I add another column of longer length, all the existing columns add a value of 0 for each extra row. For example

Dpeaks = 4 1 0 9 20 4 18 11 9 6

Apeaks Bpeaks Cpeaks Dpeaks
1      2      2      4
6      1      1      1
5      6      0      0
0      12     0      9
0      10     0      20
0      5      0      4
0      8      0      18
0      0      0      11
0      0      0      9
0      0      0      6

Is there any way to do this (code would be very helpful)? Appreciate the help!

Here's an alternative that allows for adding multiple vectors at once. It also includes an option to rename the variable where the vector is going to be added.

add_data <- function(df, ..., names = NULL) {
  l <- list(...)
  if (!is.null(names)) { if (length(names) != length(l)) stop("wrong number of names") }
  if (is.null(names)) names <- sapply(substitute(list(...))[-1], deparse)
  l <- c(c(df), setNames(l, names))
  out <- data.frame(lapply(l, `length<-`, max(lengths(l))))
  replace(out, is.na(out), 0)

Here we're adding Bpeaks and Cpeaks , keeping the names of the objects.

add_data(df, Bpeaks, Cpeaks)
#   Apeaks Bpeaks Cpeaks
# 1      1      2      2
# 2      6      1      1
# 3      5      6      0
# 4      0     12      0
# 5      0     10      0
# 6      0      5      0
# 7      0      8      0

Here, we're adding Cpeaks and Dpeaks , but renaming them to "C", and "D".

add_data(df, Cpeaks, Dpeaks, names = c("C", "D"))
#    Apeaks C  D
# 1       1 2  4
# 2       6 1  1
# 3       5 0  0
# 4       0 0  9
# 5       0 0 20
# 6       0 0  4
# 7       0 0 18
# 8       0 0 11
# 9       0 0  9
# 10      0 0  6

You can use this function to add new columns:

add_Data <- function(df, vec) {
   colname <- deparse(substitute(vec))
   new_row <- max(nrow(df), length(vec))
   new_df <- df[1:new_row, ,drop = FALSE]
   new_df[colname] <- c(vec, rep(NA, new_row - length(vec)))
   new_df[is.na(new_df)] <- 0
   rownames(new_df) <- NULL

Bpeaks = c(2, 1, 6, 12, 10, 5, 8)
Cpeaks = c(2, 1)
Dpeaks = c(4, 1, 0, 9, 20, 4, 18, 11, 9, 6)

df <- add_Data(df, Bpeaks)

#  Apeaks Bpeaks
#1      1      2
#2      6      1
#3      5      6
#4      0     12
#5      0     10
#6      0      5
#7      0      8

Adding Cpeaks

df <- add_Data(df, Cpeaks)
#  Apeaks Bpeaks Cpeaks
#1      1      2      2
#2      6      1      1
#3      5      6      0
#4      0     12      0
#5      0     10      0
#6      0      5      0
#7      0      8      0

Adding Dpeaks :

df <- add_Data(df, Dpeaks)
#   Apeaks Bpeaks Cpeaks Dpeaks
#1       1      2      2      4
#2       6      1      1      1
#3       5      6      0      0
#4       0     12      0      9
#5       0     10      0     20
#6       0      5      0      4
#7       0      8      0     18
#8       0      0      0     11
#9       0      0      0      9
#10      0      0      0      6


We started off with this dataframe:

df <- structure(list(Apeaks = c(1L, 6L, 5L)), class = "data.frame", 
row.names = c(NA, -3L))

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