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Update Label text in Xamarin

I am new to Xamarin and am trying to create a simple app to upload my mobile images to cloud and download them from cloud. I was able to upload and download the files from cloud. Now I want to show some progress status, while uploading/downloading the files. I have the count of images i want to upload, so I was thinking to create a label on my xaml form and update its value after every picture upload. Example. if Total pictures are 5 and the loop used to upload the images have uploaded 2 pictures. I'll show "2 of 5 Images uploaded" as text in my label.

My code structure is like this:

1. Mainfile.xaml

<Label x:Name="UpdatedStatus" Text="No file to Update" />  // my label to show status
<Button Text="Upload Image" x:Name="btnUpload" Clicked="OnUploadClick" />

2. Mainfile.xaml.cs
//Implementation of OnUploadClick
private async void OnBackUpButton_Clicked(object sender, EventArgs e)
  UploadClass upload = new UploadClass();
  await upload.UploadImageFunction(); // reference of function to upload the image

3. UploadClass.cs
//actual implementation of function to upload image
public async Task UploadImageFunction()
  //logic to get the count of the images to upload
  foreach (image in TotalImages)
       await UploadToCloud(images);
       /* How can I update up label from here for every upload. 
       I was able to update the label 2nd file but not from this. 
       I was trying something like
       UpdatedStatus.Text = "updated file 1"; 
       But this is not working.*/
    catch (Exception)
      // logic in case of any error 

Thanks in advance for help.

There are two options to achieve this.

One is as Jason's said, UploadClass raise an event every time it completes an upload. This is like a CallBack method can be used in Mainfile.xaml.cs .(Recommanded way)

For example, declare a UpdateLabelText Method in Mainfile.xaml.cs :

public void UpdateLabelText(int index)
    //throw new NotImplementedException();
    label.Text = index + " of 5 Images uploaded" ;

And raise method in UploadClass :

privat UploadComplete()
    // each image uploaded successfully send it's index
    // such as index == 1/2/3/4/5
   Mainfile mainfile = new Mainfile();

The another one is using MessageCenter to notify the Mainfile.xaml.cs to update Label .(Easy way)

For example, Subscribe MessageCenter in Mainfile.xaml.cs:

public Mainfile()
    MessagingCenter.Subscribe<object,int>(this, "Hi", (sender,arg) =>
      // Do something whenever the "Hi" message is received
      label.Text = arg + " of 5 Images uploaded" ;

and Send Message from UploadToCloud complete method of UploadClass :

privat UploadComplete()
    // each image uploaded successfully send it's index
    // such as index == 1/2/3/4/5
    MessagingCenter.Send<object, int>(this, "Hi", index);

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