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How to return a string from a Future<String> in Flutter

This is the code I have been trying. I want to return a String using extractInfo() method.

How can we return a String because the parameter is not accepting any other argument than the String

      Future<String> info(String x) a sync{
        final translator = Google Translator();
        return await translator.translate(x, to: 'en');
      String y;
      String extract Info(){
        String x = "Title :${widget.userPosts[widget.index].title}\n"
            "User Id :${widget.userPosts[widget.index].userId}\n"
            "Id :${widget.userPosts[widget.index].id}\n"
            "Completed :${widget.userPosts[widget.index].completed}\n";
        info(x).then((value) => y = value);
        return x;
      Widget build(BuildContext context) {
        return Scaffold(
          appBar: AppBar(
            title: Text("More"),
          body: StoryView(
            storyItems: [
                title: extractInfo(),
                backgroundColor: Colors.redAccent,
            onStoryShow: (s) {
              print("Showing a story");
            onComplete: () {
              print("Completed a cycle");
            progressPosition: ProgressPosition.top,
            repeat: false,
            controller: story Controller,

You cannot. You will need to use async / await like you did in the first method. Since your control does not accept a Future<String> you will need to wrap it in a FutureBuilder . You can see how to do that here

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