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Python: Loop through a folder and save data from first tab of each file and save to new file on separate tabs

I am trying to loop through 8 files in a specific folder and grab the data from specific column in the first tab of each. Then, I want to paste the data into a new, consolidated file with each of the data frames on their own separate tab. This is what I have so far...

My questions:

  1. How do I grab the data from the first tab of each file?
  2. How do I then paste that data into each of their own tabs on a consolidated file?
import pandas as pd
import os
import glob

os.chdir(file path)
FileList = glob.glob('*.xlsx')

data = {}

for file in FileList:
   df = pd.read_excel(file, 0, header=9)
   df = df[['Project Code', 'Project', 'Location', 'Opening Balance Dollars', 'Accrued This Year Dollars',
            'Opening Balance + Accrued Dollars', 'Taken Dollars', 'Closing Dollars']]
   data[file] = df

To save to excel you need to have openpyxl installed. Then I would append each df to a list:

  Filelist = glob.glob(r"path\*.xlsx")

  list_df = []
  for file in Filelist:

  # the names for each sheet in the consolidated file
  names = ['sh1','sh2']

  for i, df in enumerate(list_df):
        df.to_excel(writer,sheet_name="{0}".format(names[i]),index = False)


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