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Serilog Sink Not Logging From Lambda

For my WebAPI, .UseSerilog() seems to work as expected on the LocalEntryPoint om my.Net Core 3.1 api running on my local box. However, when i deploy to AWS Lambda using LambdaEntryPoint's IWebHostBuilder it does not seem to log anything. My LambdaEntryPoint's IWebhostBuilder is:

 protected override void Init(IWebHostBuilder builder)
               .ConfigureLogging(logger =>
                  logger.AddSerilog(dispose: true);
            Log.Information("The IWebHostBuilder has been built");

        catch (System.Exception ex)
            Log.Fatal(ex, ex.Message);


Has anyone found a way to log using serilog in applications deployed in AWS Lambda?

You're going to want to use the.UseSerilog() extension menthod of the IWebHostBuilder directly like so:

protected override void Init(IWebHostBuilder builder)

My understanding is that this overrides the default ILogger implementation of Microsoft.Extensions.Logging namespace.

Then in your Startup class's ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services) method you would implement a singleton of the Serilog.Core.Logger like so:

var loggerConfig = new LoggerConfiguration()
                .Enrich.WithProperty("Application", "MyApplicationName")
                .Enrich.WithProperty("Machine", Environment.MachineName)
                .WriteTo.Console(new RenderedCompactJsonFormatter());

var logger = loggerConfig.CreateLogger();

At this point you've dependency injected the logger into your aspnetcore app and can use it in a controller like so:

private readonly Logger _log;

public DefaultController(Logger logger)
     _log = logger;

public IActionResult Get()
     _log.Information("This is an example of an information log");
     return Ok(new string[] { "value1", "value2" });

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