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Get .NET type from Mono.Cecil

I am working on a .NET application. In my application i have to check if the types in the assembly implement a particular interface. My assembly has a package from NuGet package (dependency) so i am using Mono.Cecil for getting all the types in the assembly. Code is:

ModuleDefinition module = ModuleDefinition.ReadModule(assemblyPath);
Collection<TypeDefinition> t1 = module.Types;

Issue is that Mono.Cecil return TypeDefinition and not Type . So is there anyway that i can convert each TypeDefinition in the collection to .NET Type so that i can easily check if that type implements a particular interface or not?

Any help would be much appreciated.

If it's OK for you to use the full name of the interface, then you don't need Type , TypeDefinition is enough. Example (in F#):

let myInterface = "Elastic.Apm.Api.ITracer"

let implementsInterface (t : Mono.Cecil.TypeDefinition) =
  && t.Interfaces |> Seq.exists (fun i -> i.InterfaceType.FullName = myInterface)

let getTypes assemblyFileName =
    .ReadAssembly(fileName = assemblyFileName).MainModule.Types
  |> Seq.filter implementsInterface
  |> Seq.map (fun t -> t.FullName)
  |> Seq.toArray

let ts = getTypes assemblyFile
printfn "Types implementing %s: %A" myInterface ts
// Output:
// Types implementing Elastic.Apm.Api.ITracer: [|"Elastic.Apm.Api.Tracer"|]

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