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Is there a way to “stream” data from Google Cloud Platform to Microsoft Azure?

I am using GCP to manage IOT devices using IOT Core. The incoming telemetry triggers a cloud function which stores the data in Firestore.

I have been asked to send the telemetry to an Azure SQL database. I am not familiar with Azure but, with the products that both GCP and Azure provide, there must be a way to get this right.

The device sends an update to GCP once per minute.

My initial thought was to use a cloud function to "pass" the data on to Azure when it is received in GCP.

Thanks in advance

Azure have many IoT services but for a message per minute, they are overkill for your scenario. While they are many ways to achieve your goal, one would be to create a Google Cloud Function that will send the data each minute to an Azure Function. That function would then save the data to your Azure SQL Database.

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