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Why is my Lua if-else not working properly?

print("Type a number:")
firstNum = io.read()
print("Type another number:")
secondNum = io.read()
print("First: " .. firstNum .. "\nSecond: " .. secondNum)
if firstNum > secondNum then
  print("first is bigger than second")
elseif firstNum < secondNum then
  print("first is less than second")
  print("first is equal to second")

firstNum = 5
secondNum = 15
first is bigger than second
Why is that happening?

firstNum and secondNum are strings, and "5" lexicographically comes after "15" because it starts by comparing the first characters only : '5' > '1' .

You need to convert them to numbers before comparing.

print("Type a number:")
firstNum = tonumber(io.read())
print("Type another number:")
secondNum = tonumber(io.read())
if firstNum > secondNum then
  print("first is bigger than second")
elseif firstNum < secondNum then
  print("first is less than second")
  print("first is equal to second")

This prints the expected first is less than second .

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