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Pytest skip with parametrize

When using pytest.mark.skip with pytest.mark.parametrize python evaluates the parametrize parameters inspite of the skip function (obviously):

import pytest

def get_params():
    # Do super heavy and slow logic to get parameters
    print("Params function called!")
    return (1, 2)

@pytest.mark.parametrize("a, b", [get_params()])
def test_foo(a, b):

In that example I always skip the test_foo test function, I got another function called get_params to get the parameters for the test function.
The get_params is very complicated and I don't want to call it if I know I'm going to skip the test. If I run the test, I can see the print "Params function called!" meaning that the get_params function called.

I know this happens because of python evaluation order, and the get_params function called before the skip got to to its thing.
Because of that I have tried using generators:

import pytest

def get_params():
    # Do super heavy and slow logic to get parameters
    print("Params function called!")
    return (1, 2)

def get_generator():
    yield get_params()

@pytest.mark.parametrize("a, b", get_generator())
def test_foo(a, b):

But the results are the same.
How can I make get_params function not to be called if skip was provided?

This won't be possible using the mark.parametrize marker, it is always evaluated. However, you can move the parametrization to the pytest_generate_tests hookimpl. Create a conftest.py file in your test or project root dir with the contents:

def get_params():

def pytest_generate_tests(metafunc):
    # check if skip marker applied
    if metafunc.definition.get_closest_marker('skip') is not None:
    # check if test requests a and b args
    if all(name in metafunc.definition.fixturenames for name in ('a', 'b')):
        metafunc.parametrize('a,b', [get_params()])

Any test requesting a and b args will now be parametrized if not skipped via marker.

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