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Java How to increase the message size of a grpc server in Spring Boot

I have a Spring Boot micro-service which listens through GRPC using LogNet/grpc-spring-boot-starter

By default GRPC payload maximum size is 4MB. At client side, it's easy to set the response payload size, but I want to increase the request size at the server side.

At client side,

ManagedChannel channel = 

By server code:

public class FooService extends FooServiceImplBase {

  public void foo(GetRequest request, StreamObserver<GetResponse> responseObserver) {

Define a ServerBuilderConfigurer like this:

public class FooServerBuilderConfigurer extends GRpcServerBuilderConfigurer {
  public static final int NEW_MAX_MESSAGE_SIZE = 100 * 1024 * 1024; // 100MB

  public void configure(ServerBuilder<?> serverBuilder) {

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