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RStudio access from browser

I installed RStudio on Linux server Ubuntu 18.04 and I couldn't access it from browser. I used:8787 and I got the error

This site can’t be reached

I unable firewall and still the same error. when I run

$sudo rstudio-server verify-installation

I got error

11 Jul 2020 14:53:12 [rsession-rstudio-server] ERROR system error 13 (Permission denied) [path: 
/home/rstudio-server/.config/rstudio/dictionaries/custom, target-dir: ]; OCCURRED AT 
rstudio::core::Error rstudio::core::FilePath::createDirectory(const string&) const 
src/cpp/shared_core/FilePath.cpp:634; LOGGED FROM: std::vector<std::__cx

I am new to both Linux and Rstudio. any help to figure this problem Thank you

Which version of RStudio Server do you use?

I had similar problem on (1.3.959) on Ubuntu 18.04. I installed the latest from https://rstudio.com/products/rstudio/download-server/debian-ubuntu/ .

wget https://download2.rstudio.org/server/bionic/amd64/rstudio-server-1.3.1056-amd64.deb
sudo gdebi rstudio-server-1.3.1056-amd64.deb

After that I also need to restart apache2.service:

systemctl restart apache2.service
$ rstudio-server version
1.3.1056 (Water Lily) for Ubuntu Bionic

And after works fine.

Also good sources:

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