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Discord.js - Get last user that left a voice channel

I'm trying to get the last user that left a voice channel.

I've found the client.on('voiceStateUpdate', async (oldState, newState)=>{}) event that allows me to detect when a member leaves or joins the VC. However, I cannot find a way to determine which guild member has joined/left. I know that I can get the channel from oldState.channel, but I can't get the user who left in any way. I'd like to avoid managing a global state of all users in VC, is there any way to do this via event-driven logic alone?


According to the documentation , the oldState and newState objects are both VoiceState objects. VoiceState has the property .id , which you can use to identify the user who has left or joined. There seems to also be the field .member , which has more data. I'm unsure which would be preferable in this context.

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