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get count of users in a voice channel? Discord.js

How can I get the count of users in a voice channel? I have a system that counts the time of users in the voice channel, I want it to work if there are more than two people in the voice channel, please tell me. Code:

exports.execute = async (oldState, newState) => {
    if ((oldState.member && oldState.member.user.bot) || (newState.member && newState.member.user.bot)) {

    if (!oldState.channelID && newState.channelID) {
        Activites.set(oldState.id, Date.now());

    let data;

    if (!Activites.has(oldState.id)) {
        data = Date.now();
        Activites.set(oldState.id, data);
    else {
        data = Activites.get(oldState.id);

    let duration = Date.now() - data;

    if (oldState.channelID && !newState.channelID) {
        vt.add(`stats.${oldState.guild.id}.${oldState.id}.channels.${oldState.channelID}`, duration);
        vt.set(`stats.${oldState.guild.id}.${oldState.id}.activity`, Date.now());
    else if (oldState.channelID && newState.channelID) {
        Activites.set(oldState.id, Date.now());
        vt.add(`stats.${oldState.guild.id}.${oldState.id}.channels.${oldState.channelID}`, duration);
        vt.set(`stats.${oldState.guild.id}.${oldState.id}.activity`, Date.now());

First, you get the channel you want, then you can get the size of the members property of it.

let voiceChannel = client.guilds.cache.get("guild id").channels.cache.get("channel id");
let membersInChannel = voiceChannel.members.size;

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