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Browser-sync not opening index.php (using Gulp)

I am having an issue where browsersync does not find/open my index.php file.

The relevant parts of my gulp file are as follows:

const browserSync = require("browser-sync").create();
const php = require('gulp-connect-php');

// Configure PHP server
gulp.task('php', function(){
    php.server({base:'./', port:8010, keepalive:true});

// Inject php config into browserSync task
gulp.task('browserSync', function() {
        port: 8080,
        baseDir: './',

// Watch files
function watchFiles() {
  gulp.watch("./scss/**/*", css);
  gulp.watch(["./js/**/*", "!./js/**/*.min.js"], js);
  gulp.watch("./**/*.php", browserSync.reload);
  gulp.watch("./**/*.html", browserSync.reload);

const watch = gulp.series(build, gulp.parallel(watchFiles, browserSync.reload));

// Export tasks
exports.watch = watch;

My console output when 'Gulp watch' is run looks like this:


The page never opens in the browser.

Any advice as to why it is getting hung up on browser-sync?

Also, browsersync works when run directly in the cmd with:

browser-sync start --proxy "localhost/BtcMiningContracts" --files "*.php, *.html, css/*.css, ./js/**/*"


Many hours of searching have resulted in a working answer. For anyone else experiencing the same issue, the updated code is below:

const browserSync = require("browser-sync");
const php = require('gulp-connect-php');

// Configure PHP server
gulp.task('connect-sync', function() {
  php.server({}, function (){
      proxy: ''
  gulp.watch('**/*.php').on('change', function () {

// Watch files
function watchFiles() {
  gulp.watch("./scss/**/*", css);
  gulp.watch(["./js/**/*", "!./js/**/*.min.js"], js);
  gulp.watch("./**/*.php").on('change', function () {

This works with scss hope it helps somebody out:)

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