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Resilience4j Circuit Breaker Spring Boot 2

Circuit breaker will be in close or half-open state for unlimited time until the minimum number of calls achieved right? is there any way I can set when no call in amount of time it will turned to close state? Also is it possible to have minimum number of calls bigger than permitted number of calls in half open state? Thank you

is there any way I can set when no call in amount of time it will turned to close state?

No. In v1.6.0 we will add a waitDurationInHalfOpenState config parameter, but after the wait duration has elapsed and not enough calls have been recorded the CircuitBreaker transitions to OPEN and not CLOSED.

is it possible to have minimum number of calls bigger than permitted number of calls in half open state

No, minimumNumberOfCalls is only used when the CircuitBreaker is closed. permittedNumberOfCallsInHalfOpenState is only used when the CircuitBreake

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