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Choosing components to be installed with Inno Setup using a configuration file

I want to program an installer that will install certain programs by selecting a user. Every user has defined assignments which program should be installed. For now, you have to use the components section to configure the programs. But my goal is to configure it with a text file. Example for text file could be like:

            User1      User2      User3      User4

 Program 1     x          x          x          x
 Program 2                x                     x
 Program 3     x                     x

Here is my code:

Name: "User1"; Description: "User 1"
Name: "User2"; Description: "User 2"
Name: "User3"; Description: "User 3"
Name: "User4"; Description: "User 4"
Name: "Custom"; Description: "Custom"

Name: "Random"; Description:"Random"; Flags: iscustom

Name: "Select"; Description: "Alle auswählen:"; Types: User1 User2 User3 User4  

Name: "Select\Program_1"; Description: "Program_1"; Types: User1 User2 User3 User4 
Name: "Select\Program_2"; Description: "Program_2"; Types:  User2  User4
Name: "Select\Program_3"; Description: "Program_3"; Types: User1  User3 

Source: "TEST \Software\x64\Program_1"; DestDir: "{app}\Program_1"; \
  Flags: ignoreversion  recursesubdirs; Components: Select\Program_1; 
Source: "TEST \Software\x64\Program_2"; DestDir: "{app}\Program_2"; \
  Flags: ignoreversion  recursesubdirs; Components: Select\Program_2; 
Source: "TEST \Software\x64\Program_3"; DestDir: "{app}\Program_3"; \
  Flags: ignoreversion  recursesubdirs; Components: Select\Program_3;
  TypesPage: TWizardPage;
  User1_Button: TNewRadioButton;
  User2_Button: TNewRadioButton;
  User4_Button: TNewRadioButton;
  User3_Button: TNewRadioButton;
  Custom_Button: TNewRadioButton;

procedure InitializeWizard();

  { Create custom "types" page }
  TypesPage := CreateInputOptionPage(wpSelectDir,
    'Select User',  ''       ,
    'Please select the right User',true,false);
  User1_Button := TNewRadioButton.Create(TypesPage);
  User1_Button.Parent := TypesPage.Surface;
  User1_Button.Caption := 'User 1';
  User1_Button.Top := 50;
  User1_Button.Height := ScaleY(User1_Button.Height);
  User1_Button.Checked := (WizardForm.TypesCombo.ItemIndex = 0); 

  User2_Button := TNewRadioButton.Create(TypesPage);
  User2_Button.Parent := TypesPage.Surface;
  User2_Button.Caption := 'User 2';
  User2_Button.Height := ScaleY(User2_Button.Height);
  User2_Button.Top := User1_Button.Top + User1_Button.Height + ScaleY(16);
  User2_Button.Checked := (WizardForm.TypesCombo.ItemIndex = 1);

  User3_Button := TNewRadioButton.Create(TypesPage);
  User3_Button.Parent := TypesPage.Surface;
  User3_Button.Caption := 'User 3';
  User3_Button.Height := ScaleY(User3_Button.Height);
  User3_Button.Top := User2_Button.Top + User2_Button.Height + ScaleY(16);
  User3_Button.Checked := (WizardForm.TypesCombo.ItemIndex = 2);

  User 4_Button := TNewRadioButton.Create(TypesPage);
  User 4_Button.Parent := TypesPage.Surface;
  User 4_Button.Caption := 'User 4';                                              
  User 4_Button.Height := ScaleY(User4_Button.Height);
  User 4_Button.Top := User3_Button.Top + User3_Button.Height + ScaleY(16);
  User 4_Button.Checked := (WizardForm.TypesCombo.ItemIndex = 3);

  Custom_Button := TNewRadioButton.Create(TypesPage);
  Custom_Button.Parent := TypesPage.Surface;
  Custom_Button.Caption := 'Custom';
  Custom_Button.width := 200;
  Custom_Button.Height := ScaleY(Custom_Button.Height);
  Custom_Button.Top := User4_Button.Top + User4_Button.Height + ScaleY(16);
  Custom_Button.Checked := (WizardForm.TypesCombo.ItemIndex = 4); 

  WizardForm.TypesCombo.Visible := False;  { Dropdown List removed }

function NextButtonClick(CurPageID: Integer): Boolean;
  if CurPageID = TypesPage.ID then
    if User1_Button.Checked then WizardForm.TypesCombo.ItemIndex :=0
    if User2_Button.Checked then WizardForm.TypesCombo.ItemIndex := 1
    if User3_Button.Checked then WizardForm.TypesCombo.ItemIndex := 2
    if User4_Button.Checked then WizardForm.TypesCombo.ItemIndex := 3
    if Custom_Button.Checked then WizardForm.TypesCombo.ItemIndex := 4;

  Result:= true;

As you do not seem to care about the configuration file format, let's pick INI file, as Inno Setup has functions to parse it:


Then the following script will do:

Name: "user1"; Description: "User 1"
Name: "user2"; Description: "User 2"
Name: "user3"; Description: "User 3"
Name: "user4"; Description: "User 4"

Source: "TEST \Software\x64\Program_1"; DestDir: "{app}\Program_1"; \
  Flags: ignoreversion recursesubdirs; Check: ShouldInstallProgram('Program1') 
Source: "TEST \Software\x64\Program_2"; DestDir: "{app}\Program_2"; \
  Flags: ignoreversion recursesubdirs; Check: ShouldInstallProgram('Program2') 
Source: "TEST \Software\x64\Program_3"; DestDir: "{app}\Program_3"; \
  Flags: ignoreversion recursesubdirs; Check: ShouldInstallProgram('Program3') 
function ShouldInstallProgram(ProgramName: string): Boolean;
  UserName: string;
  ProgramsStr: string;
  Programs: TStringList;
  UserName := WizardSetupType(False);
  ProgramsStr :=
    GetIniString('Users', UserName, '', ExpandConstant('{src}\UserPrograms.ini'));
  Programs := TStringList.Create;
  Programs.CommaText := ProgramsStr;
  Result := (Programs.IndexOf(ProgramName) >= 0);

Type names must be lowercase for this to work. And casing of program names matter.

As the code now actually does not use the [Types] at all, you can replace the WizardSetupType with direct check to your custom page selection. And you can remove the redundant [Types] section and your NextButtonClick event function.

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