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Raspberry pi Blynk LED not responding

I am trying to control a LED with Blynk but it doesn't seem to work. I have checked the connections and LED with a simple blinking program, everything works. I run the blynk program, the app successfully connected and I am able to print the status of the button, however, when it comes to the if statement it doesn't work.

from gpiozero import LED

import blynklib
led = LED(17)
BLYNK_AUTH = '' #insert your Auth Token here
blynk = blynklib.Blynk(BLYNK_AUTH)

while True:
    @blynk.handle_event('write V4')
    def write_virtual_pin_handler(pin, value):
        status = value[0]
        if status == 1:
        elif status == 0:

You have to convert the status variable into an integer, since the list includes strings, not integers. In order to do this, change status to int(status) in the if / elif statements.

Source: This post I found that documents this behaviour

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