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Is Azure ServiceBusQueueTrigger is comapatble with Tibco EMS?

If ServiceBusQueueTrigger works with Tibco EMS then how can we define the connection details of tibco EMS inside ServiceBusQueueTrigger method? Suppose the method is, it's written in Springboot and I am trying to read message from EMS queue. Does this connection parameter only accepts the AzureServiceBusConnection?

public void serviceBusProcess( @ServiceBusQueueTrigger(name = "msg", queueName = "myQueuename",connection = "????????") String message,
                final ExecutionContext context)
                System.out.println("Received from 1st receiver using ServicebusTrigger<" + message +">");

ServiceBusQueueTrigger only supports Azure Service Bus Connection string, you cannot specify Tibco EMS connection string in it

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