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IntelliJ Error opening zip file or JAR manifest missing

When I tried to run my spring boot based project in IntelliJ IDEA Ultimate edition i get a mysterious exception on Windows 10

JVMJ9TI064E Agent initialization function Agent_OnLoad failed for library instrument, return code -1
Error opening zip file or JAR manifest missing : C:\Users\Rényi\AppData\Local\JetBrains\Toolbox\apps\IDEA-U\ch-0\193.7288.26\lib\idea_rt.jar
JVMJ9VM015W Initialization error for library j9jvmti29(-3): JVMJ9VM009E J9VMDllMain failed

Thing I already tried, and still get the same result:

  • Reinstall multiple version of IntelliJ
  • Manually deleted all the leftover files and dirs after uninstall and re install the IDE

I have tried the following versions:

  • 2020.1.3
  • 2019.3.5
  • 2019.2.4

I got exactly the same exception every time mentioned above. For installing jetbrains products i use jetbrains toolbox on windows 10 and I have OpenJDK Runtime Environment (build 1.8.0_212-b04) installed.

I tried to find solution for this problem but i didnt got solution which is relevant for the IntelliJ.

I got the solution. I updated my adoptOpenJDK from to

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