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Using native javascript / subtleCrypto to encrypt using RSA

I am trying to follow the webdocs for subtleCrypto :


To use RSA-OAEP, pass an RsaOaepParams object.

How is the RSA key supposed to be formatted? The following code is just using plaintext rsaPublicKey and rsaPrivateKey : how should they be changed

let rsaPublicKey = "ssh-rsa AAAAB3 ..."

function encrypt(rsaPublicKey, msg) {
    let emsg = new TextEncoder().encode(msg)
    let encrypted = crypto.subtle.encrypt(
            name: "RSA-OAEP"
    return encrypted
let rsaPrivateKey = "MIIEvQIBADU ..."
function decrypt(rsaPrivateKey, encrypted) {
  return window.crypto.subtle.decrypt(
      name: "RSA-OAEP"

Here is the (probably incorrect) code attempting to do the round trip:

let enc = encrypt(rsaKey, "hello world!") // ERROR on this line
let dec = decrypt(rsaPrivateKey, enc)

The error is:

Uncaught (in promise) TypeError: Failed to execute 'encrypt' on 'SubtleCrypto': parameter 2 is not of type 'CryptoKey'.

So how should the public (and private) keys be encoded/ formatted?

The Web Crypto API provides the SubtleCrypto.importKey() method for the import of keys, which supports various key formats, in particular the PKCS#8 format (ASN.1 DER encoding of the PrivateKeyInfo structure, see RFC5208 sec 5 ) for private keys and the X.509 format (ASN.1 DER encoding of SubjectPublicKeyInfo structure, or SPKI for short, see RFC5280 sec 4.1 ) for public keys. The keys are expected in DER encoding. If they are in PEM encoding, they must first be converted. For this purpose, the header and footer must be removed and the rest must be Base64 decoded.

Example for the import of a public PEM encoded key in X.509 format and the encryption of a plaintext:

 // PEM encoded X.509 key const publicKey = `-----BEGIN PUBLIC KEY----- MIIBIjANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQEFAAOCAQ8AMIIBCgKCAQEAunF5aDa6HCfLMMI/MZLT 5hDk304CU+ypFMFiBjowQdUMQKYHZ+fklB7GpLxCatxYJ/hZ7rjfHH3Klq20/Y1E bYDRopyTSfkrTzPzwsX4Ur/l25CtdQldhHCTMgwf/Ev/buBNobfzdZE+Dhdv5lQw KtjI43lDKvAi5kEet2TFwfJcJrBiRJeEcLfVgWTXGRQn7gngWKykUu5rS83eAU1x H9FLojQfyia89/EykiOO7/3UWwd+MATZ9HLjSx2/Lf3g2jr81eifEmYDlri/OZp4 OhZu+0Bo1LXloCTe+vmIQ2YCX7EatUOuyQMt2Vwx4uV+d/A3DP6PtMGBKpF8St4i GwIDAQAB -----END PUBLIC KEY-----`; importPublicKeyAndEncrypt(); async function importPublicKeyAndEncrypt() { const plaintext = 'This text will be encoded UTF8 and may contain special characters like § and €.'; try { const pub = await importPublicKey(publicKey); const encrypted = await encryptRSA(pub, new TextEncoder().encode(plaintext)); const encryptedBase64 = window.btoa(ab2str(encrypted)); console.log(encryptedBase64.replace(/(.{64})/g, "$1\n")); } catch(error) { console.log(error); } } async function importPublicKey(spkiPem) { return await window.crypto.subtle.importKey( "spki", getSpkiDer(spkiPem), { name: "RSA-OAEP", hash: "SHA-256", }, true, ["encrypt"] ); } async function encryptRSA(key, plaintext) { let encrypted = await window.crypto.subtle.encrypt( { name: "RSA-OAEP" }, key, plaintext ); return encrypted; } function getSpkiDer(spkiPem){ const pemHeader = "-----BEGIN PUBLIC KEY-----"; const pemFooter = "-----END PUBLIC KEY-----"; var pemContents = spkiPem.substring(pemHeader.length, spkiPem.length - pemFooter.length); var binaryDerString = window.atob(pemContents); return str2ab(binaryDerString); } // // Helper // // https://stackoverflow.com/a/11058858 function str2ab(str) { const buf = new ArrayBuffer(str.length); const bufView = new Uint8Array(buf); for (let i = 0, strLen = str.length; i < strLen; i++) { bufView[i] = str.charCodeAt(i); } return buf; } function ab2str(buf) { return String.fromCharCode.apply(null, new Uint8Array(buf)); }

And the counterpart, the import of a private PEM encoded key in PKCS#8 format and the decryption of the ciphertext:

 // PEM encoded PKCS#8 key const privateKey = `-----BEGIN PRIVATE KEY----- MIIEvgIBADANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQEFAASCBKgwggSkAgEAAoIBAQC6cXloNrocJ8sw wj8xktPmEOTfTgJT7KkUwWIGOjBB1QxApgdn5+SUHsakvEJq3Fgn+FnuuN8cfcqW rbT9jURtgNGinJNJ+StPM/PCxfhSv+XbkK11CV2EcJMyDB/8S/9u4E2ht/N1kT4O F2/mVDAq2MjjeUMq8CLmQR63ZMXB8lwmsGJEl4Rwt9WBZNcZFCfuCeBYrKRS7mtL zd4BTXEf0UuiNB/KJrz38TKSI47v/dRbB34wBNn0cuNLHb8t/eDaOvzV6J8SZgOW uL85mng6Fm77QGjUteWgJN76+YhDZgJfsRq1Q67JAy3ZXDHi5X538DcM/o+0wYEq kXxK3iIbAgMBAAECggEASlJj0ExIomKmmBhG8q8SM1s2sWG6gdQMjs6MEeluRT/1 c2v79cq2Dum5y/+UBl8x8TUKPKSLpCLs+GXkiVKgHXrFlqoN+OYQArG2EUWzuODw czdYPhhupBXwR3oX4g41k/BsYfQfZBVzBFEJdWrIDLyAUFWNlfdGIj2BTiAoySfy qmamvmW8bsvc8coiGlZ28UC85/Xqx9wOzjeGoRkCH7PcTMlc9F7SxSthwX/k1VBX mNOHa+HzGOgO/W3k1LDqJbq2wKjZTW3iVEg2VodjxgBLMm0MueSGoI6IuaZSPMyF EM3gGvC2+cDBI2SL/amhiTUa/VDlTVw/IKbSuar9uQKBgQDd76M0Po5Lqh8ZhQ3o bhFqkfO5EBXy7HUL15cw51kVtwF6Gf/J2HNHjwsg9Nb0eJETTS6bbuVd9bn884Jo RS986nVTFNZ4dnjEgKjjQ8GjfzdkpbUxsRLWiIxuOQSpIUZGdMi2ctTTtspvMsDs jRRYdYIQCe/SDsdHGT3vcUCybwKBgQDXDz6iVnY84Fh5iDDVrQOR4lYoxCL/ikCD JjC6y1mjR0eVFdBPQ4j1dDSPU9lahBLby0VyagQCDp/kxQOl0z2zBLRI4I8jUtz9 /9KW6ze7U7dQJ7OTfumd5I97OyQOG9XZwKUkRgfyb/PAMBSUSLgosi38f+OC3IN3 qlvHFzvxFQKBgQCITpUDEmSczih5qQGIvolN1cRF5j5Ey7t7gXbnXz+Umah7kJpM IvdyfMVOAXJABgi8PQwiBLM0ySXo2LpARjXLV8ilNUggBktYDNktc8DrJMgltaya j3HNd2IglD5rjfc2cKWRgOd7/GlKcHaTEnbreYhfR2sWrWLxJOyoMfuVWwKBgFal CbMV6qU0LfEo8aPlBN8ttVDPVNpntP4h0NgxPXgPK8Pg+gA1UWSy4MouGg/hzkdH aj9ifyLlCX598a5JoT4S0x/ZeVHd/LNI8mtjcRzD6cMde7gdFbpLb5NSjIAyrsIA X4hxvpnqiOYRePkVIz0iLGziiaMbfMwlkrxvm/LRAoGBALPRbtSbE2pPgvOHKHTG Pr7gKbmsWVbOcQA8rG801T38W/UPe1XtynMEjzzQ29OaVeQwvUN9+DxFXJ6Yvwj6 ih4Wdq109i7Oo1fDnMczOQN9DKch2eNAHrNSOMyLDCBm++wbyHAsS2T0VO8+gzLA BviZm5AFCQWfke4LZo5mOS10 -----END PRIVATE KEY-----`; importPrivateKeyAndDecrypt(); async function importPrivateKeyAndDecrypt() { // A ciphertext produced with the first code const ciphertextB64 = "q/g0YQ+CbFwCb9QxAeKk/X8vjUUKpBGCVe6OvFoBlTfRF24BQlWpLFhxVQv+Gn29CzAXfSJjU+C8taYXQ4wofyOaRx0etkATDbmIV1gVdxNnqVKTx2RSj1L3uACZ3aWYIGRjtaBMBNAW81mPEjxEWCvRW3uI/rOn3LAc4N05CkofOnsIpaafgcEjhZoTxp1Dpkm328bwRJ3g1Dn+vQk6JBiAXSiF7GHvMvnD6q+CQiO1dcv0lrrXlibE8/P2LHWpqQ9g5xWWUHl70q2WB+IxLgX9OkqX8XQ1GHjP5EaQFfo1HerBpa+Uf5DaienI/XT4n64DWM1S7t0dbhFDskc9HQ=="; try { const priv = await importPrivateKey(privateKey); const decrypted = await decryptRSA(priv, str2ab(window.atob(ciphertextB64))); console.log(decrypted); } catch(error) { console.log(error); } } async function importPrivateKey(pkcs8Pem) { return await window.crypto.subtle.importKey( "pkcs8", getPkcs8Der(pkcs8Pem), { name: "RSA-OAEP", hash: "SHA-256", }, true, ["decrypt"] ); } async function decryptRSA(key, ciphertext) { let decrypted = await window.crypto.subtle.decrypt( { name: "RSA-OAEP" }, key, ciphertext ); return new TextDecoder().decode(decrypted); } function getPkcs8Der(pkcs8Pem){ const pemHeader = "-----BEGIN PRIVATE KEY-----"; const pemFooter = "-----END PRIVATE KEY-----"; var pemContents = pkcs8Pem.substring(pemHeader.length, pkcs8Pem.length - pemFooter.length); var binaryDerString = window.atob(pemContents); return str2ab(binaryDerString); } // // Helper // // https://stackoverflow.com/a/11058858 function str2ab(str) { const buf = new ArrayBuffer(str.length); const bufView = new Uint8Array(buf); for (let i = 0, strLen = str.length; i < strLen; i++) { bufView[i] = str.charCodeAt(i); } return buf; } function ab2str(buf) { return String.fromCharCode.apply(null, new Uint8Array(buf)); }

Note that your public key is specified in SSH public key format , which cannot be processed by importKey and therefore has to be converted to X.509 format first, eg with ssh-keygen .

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