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How to vectorize this code r code using dplyr

I want to know how to shorten this code by vectorizing (activities is a character vector of length 3):

data %>% mutate(label=recode(label, `1`=activities[1],
                                    `3`=activities[3])) %>%
    rename_with( ~ gsub("^t", "Time", .x)) %>%
    rename_with( ~ gsub("^f", "Frequency", .x)) %>%
    rename_with( ~ gsub("Acc", "Accelerometer", .x))

I want something like mutate(label=recode(label, 1:3 = activities) and

rename_with( ~ gsub(c("^t", ^f", "Acc"), c("Time","Frequency","Accelerometer"), .x)) , but these don't work. Thanks.

We can use a named vector in recode to change the values

data %>%
       mutate(label = recode(label, !!! setNames(activities[1:3], 1:3))) %>%
             ~ c("Time", "Frequency", "Accelerometer"))

Regarding rename_with , the gsub is not vectorized for patterns . Instead, we can use str_replace


   ... %>%
        rename_with(~  str_replace_all(.x, setNames( c("Time","Frequency","Accelerometer"), c("^t", "^f", "Acc"))))

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