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Xcode 12 Beta 2 - unable to load standard library for target 'arm64-apple-ios14.0-simulator'

I have just installed Xcode 12 Beta 2. Everytime I build or run it creates the following error:

unable to load standard library for target 'arm64-apple-ios14.0-simulator'

Any idea why that is and what I need to do?

VALID_ARCHS was deprecated in Xcode 12, therefore, just delete the reference from your Project and Targets Build Settings by navigating to:

  1. YourProject Settings > Build Settings > VALID_ARCHS
  2. YourProject Settings > TARGETS > YourProject > Build Settings > VALID_ARCHS
  3. YourProject Settings > TARGETS > UITests > Build Settings > VALID_ARCHS
  4. YourProject Settings > TARGETS > UnitTests > Build Settings > VALID_ARCHS

Image of what VALID_ARCHS should look like

Highlight row and press " delete " key

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