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How can I filter ports by country?

This is my code:

I import the modules

import shodan
import json

I create my key,

SHODAN_API_KEY = ('xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx')
api = shodan.Shodan(SHODAN_API_KEY)

I open my json file,

with open('Ports.json', 'r') as f:
    Ports_dict = json.load(f)

I loop through my dict,

    for Port in Ports_dict:
                    results = api.search(Port['Port_name']) # how can I filter ports by country??

and i print the content.

                    print('Results found: {}'.format(results['total']))
                    for result in results['matches']:
                            print('IP: {}'.format(result['ip_str']))
                            print ('Country_code: %s' % result['location']['country_code'])
            except shodan.APIError as e:
                    print(' Error: %s' % e)

But how can I filter ports by country?

In order to filter the results you need to use a search filter . The following article explains the general search query syntax of Shodan:


Here is a list of all available search filters:


And here is a page full of example search queries:


In your case, you would want to use the port and country filter. For example, the following search query returns the MySQL and PostgreSQL servers in the US:


I would also recommend using the Shodan CLI for downloading data as it will handle paging through results for you:


If you need to do it yourself within Python then you would also need to loop through the search results either by providing a page parameter or by simply using the Shodan.search_cursor() method (instead of Shodan.search() as you did in your code). The above article also shows how to use the search_cursor() method.

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