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Waiting for API to finish in Angular

In Angular, does anybody know of an easy way I can get my component to wait a few seconds to make sure the call to the moratoriumService.PostMoratoriumLocationsArray() method finishes up before the navigateByUrl() kicks in on the router. Code is below. Any suggestions would be most appreciated. --Jason

 PostMoratoriumLocationsArray(moraID: any, moratoriumLocationsarray: MoratoriumLocation[]): Observable<any> {
    this.moratoriumService.PostMoratoriumLocationsArray(moraID, moratoriumLocationsarray)
      .subscribe((data) => (this.moratoriumID) = (data),
        (error) => (console.log(error)),
        () => console.log('Post moratorium location for moratorium is complete'),
    return of(this.moratoriumID);

this is async function you may not know how long server response. You should try below code

PostMoratoriumLocationsArray(moraID: any, moratoriumLocationsarray: MoratoriumLocation[]): Observable<any> {
    var subject = new Subject<string>();
    this.moratoriumService.PostMoratoriumLocationsArray(moraID, moratoriumLocationsarray)
      .subscribe((data) => {
          (this.moratoriumID) = (data);
        (error) => (console.log(error)),
        () => console.log('Post moratorium location for moratorium is complete'),
      return subject.asObservable();

How about building on the observable inside the pipe instead, and let the caller subscribe? Like this.

PostMoratoriumLocationsArray(moraID: any, moratoriumLocationsarray: MoratoriumLocation[]): Observable<any> {
    return this.moratoriumService.PostMoratoriumLocationsArray(moraID, moratoriumLocationsarray)
                     tap(data => 
                             this.moratoriumID = data
                         error => console.log(error),
                         () => console.log('Post moratorium location for moratorium is complete'),

And when you call the method, you do this: this.PostMoratoriumLocationsArray(...).subscribe()

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