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A better way to remove an item the index is unknown from the array in JavaScript

I have an array that has zeroes in random indexes. The indexes for given different arrays are unknown. I used the following for loop to find and remove the zeros, so the resulting array is the same one without the zeros.

for (let i=0; i< arr.length; i++){
    if(arr[i] === 0){
      itemIndex = arr.indexOf(arr[i]);
      arr.splice(itemIndex, 1); //removes the zero at the index
      i = 0; //resets the i to zero so that every item in the array is searched even after it is altered.

As you can see, it resets the "i" to zero so that I can iterate through the array again because it will be altered and indexes of the zeroes will change. I am wondering if there is a better way to do this? I have a feeling that this could be coded better.

You only need to decrement i by 1. Also, there is no need to use indexOf when you already have the index.

for (let i=0; i< arr.length; i++){
    if(arr[i] === 0){
      arr.splice(i, 1); //removes the zero at the index

Looping backwards also solves the issue without additional counter manipulation, as only elements that have already been checked will be shifted.

Of course, it is much easier to use Array#filter instead.

arr = arr.filter(x => x !== 0);

Here's a couple options you can take here...

  1. Retain your for loop: instead of i = 0 , you could decrement i instead (ie replace i = 0 with i-- )
  2. Replace the loop with a filter: arr = arr.filter(element => element !== 0)

Both will modify the array in place, like you wanted. The second option will not work if arr was initialized as a constant. If that's the case, you'll have to go with option 1, or assign the filter result to a new array and use that after the filter in place of your original array.

Second option is a bit cleaner, but the first is a small change to your existing code to have it to work as you expected.

You could count down (ie for (let i=arr.length-1; i>=0; i--) so the indices of the elements you haven't checked yet won't change.

let result = arr.filter(e => e!==0)

Or if you want to stick with the for loop implementation:

what about populating a new array instead of mutating the one you are looping over:

let result = []

for(let e of arr) {
    if(e!==0) result.push(e)

This is my preferred method of removing items from an array like this.

const newArray = array.filter(item => ele !== 0) 

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