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How do you select a random member id from a server? Discord.js

I have tried a lot of stuff and researched as much as I can, I can't find anything that works or I can get inspiration from. Anything that I find doesn't work and I need help. I just want to get a random member from id (maybe create an array of the ids). This is the closest I have gotten/best thing I can think of:

const members = await message.guild.members.fetch();
for (const [, member] of members) {

member.id gets all the ids of the users in the server but I don't know what else to do with that(like make it into an array). Can anyone help?

You can try and use .random() on the members collection like so:

const members = await message.guild.members.fetch();
const randMember = members.random(); 

If you want an array of random members, you can pass a number into the .random() method to specify how many random members you want, eg: .random(5) will give 5 random members.

Here, members is a Collection where the member IDs are keys. You can use the .randomKey() method to get a random ID. So, your line might be const randomId = members.randomKey(1) or something like that.

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